Selasa, 31 Mei 2011


memberi senyum adalah hal simple yg belum tentu sesimple mengerjakannya. mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seseorang yang membukakan pintu untuk kamu, misalnya di kantin, di perpustakaan, di kantor, atau public places lainya, should be an instant way to express your appreciation. or, sering donk kita sedang terburu-buru mengerjakan sesuatu, lalu tanpa sengaja apa yg kita lakukan itu menyusahkan orang lain. do we say sorry for that??

aku yakin banyak magic words in our daily life yang hopefully akan berdampak baik bagi kita dan juga orang lain. here they are. Smile, Sorry, and Thanks. so, let's together share to others.

selain senyum itu ibadah, tentu siapapun yang melihat air muka kita penuh dengan ketenangan dan persahabatan (hmm.. asal jangan senyam senyum sendiri tanpa sebeb lho, nanti dipikir tulalit dan gila lgi. hehehe..), pasti dunia ini akan lebih damai dan indah. jauhkan semua ketegangan dan perselisihan. senyum tulus tanpa basa basi tentu akan berbeda dengan senyum yang terpaksa dan berlebihan. katakan kepada dunia, 
" I'm bringing the positive attitude. this is me, facing the brighter future! "


Tuesday, May 31, 2011
in my room...lots of love, -rizka.

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011


kalau ada yang nanya, apa yang akhir-akhir ini ngebuat aku berpikir untuk menyudahi apa yang telah ada, aku cuma bisa jawab nga tau. ketika ada yang bertanya, apa yang aku rasain sekarang, aku bakal jawab, aku sedih dan capek. sedih untuk apa? sedih untuk sesuatu yang mungkin orang pikir nggak akan penting. capek karena apa? capek karena terlalu banyak berpikir. 
mungkin tulisan ini nga berarti apa-apa untuk orang yang tidak mengerti apa-apa.
kamu yang disana. coba baca ini dengan baik..
aku benar-benar berterima kasih kepada Tuhan karena mengenalkan seseorang yang sangat menyenangkan seperti kamu. tapi ada saatnya, aku pengen ngeliat kamu sedikit lebih peka terhadap lingkungan termasuk aku. aku mungkin orang yang nga bisa bilang sesuatu yang aku inginkan secara langsung. aku akan ngomong pelan-pelan berusaha menjaga perasaan-perasaan itu agar tak tersakiti. menjaga agar apa yang sudah ada tetap utuh tanpa ada cacat sedikitpun. saya selalu mencoba-mencoba dan mencoba. ada kalanya kita berada dalam posisi yang sama. posisi yang benar-benar menyenangkan. tapi ada kalanya aku ngerasa kamu dan aku ada pada suatu jarak yang sangat jauh. aku di utara dan kamu di selatan. ada kalanya kamu benar-benar pergi dari aku. dan aku nga suka saat-saat kaya gini. nga ada gunanya kalau kita nga bisa saling memberikan sesuatu yang bisa dibuat sebagai pembelajaran. dan ketika aku letih dan letih, apa yang harus aku lakukan? aku pikir menangis itu ngak cukup. aku benar-benar ngerasa sendiri. nga ada kamu. aku capek. aku bosan. haruskah aku yang ngalah? mengalah untuk hal yang benar-benar aku sukai? hal-hal yang benar ingin aku jaga agar tetap menjadi suatu benda yang utuh tanpa cacat dan lecet sedikit pun. aku nga tau. aku nga tau. let it flow? apakah ini kalimat yang tepat untuk saat ini? give the answer.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

a little story about my life...

almost 9 years, I pass my days with people who I call "friend"I spent a lot of my time with them than my parents and family. My family is not broken home. but, my family has an own ways and rules for showing affection, love and warmth. My parents teach me to live independently. and in line with the culture, I can not get too close with my dad. I close with my mother. I tell her anything.  My family has a busy life respectively. and as long as we feel that we were busy do not need to be disturbed, we will not interfere with each other. 
this is what my strongest reason why I am closer to my friends. You know, I grow from year to year and my friends are the people who accompanied me in periods of growth are slightly difficult to share with family. My parents keep control of every growth and my gestures. they still loved and cared for me more than anything in this world. and me too. I really love them more than anything too.
until now, when I was away from my parents, my friends are people who still plays a considerable role for me. they helped me when I have trouble. they accompanied me when I feel alone. they comforted me when I'm sad. and they accepted me with all my shortcomings.  and of course they are always there for me.
maybe if they do not exist I would feel empty. I may seem over protective to them. but that I did because I really love them. I do not want something happen to them. and I just want to keep what is already there with them. there is no dispute or hatred. and now, the people who I call 'friends' are the best people that I have after the Jesus Christ and my family.

God, please save me and them who love and accept me as I am. please, bless all of the people who always keep and comforted me when I collapsed. and keep the people that I love. loved them as You have loved me God. protect them as You protected me by sending them as the best people who accompany me through life. i really love all of them.

thank you so much for the GREAT people in the world -Dad, Mom, Brother and Sister- and all of my lovely family for all you've done, give it, and gave up for me. Your time, your love, your attention, your tears, your sweat, your tired, your laughter, your anger, your hopes, your stuffs, your money, and EVERYTHING!! i really dont know how to give it back to you. please take care there and be healthy. don't think about not important things too hard. i really worried about that. please, dont work too hard too. I LOVE ALL OF YOU!

and for all of my best friends... -all of my best friend in North Sumatera Indonesia. i cant mention you one by one guys. but i really know, you know what i mean.- Inyun, Cumi, DinDun, Cella, Mrs. MawarOren Tisyu, anggi and of course 'si ratu gombal tukang tidur dan makan' Imonk.... and all of the people. *sorry, it need to much space to mention all of your name one by one guys. please understand. and dont angry to me.* thank you so much much much and more for EVERYTHING! terima kasih sudah menerima saya apa adanya. dan dengan tulus mencintai saya. terima kasih banyak. i will try to giving my best to all of you. I LOVE YOU ALL!!

-with lots of love-
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
in my room....